Shop (offline) 17 Sep, 2024 05:20 am

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Bangalore National public school has come a long way since its inception in 2015.

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Bangalore National public school has come a long way since its inception in 2015; and has evolved to become a name synonymous with Educational Excellence. In a decade’s worth of existence, the Bangalore National public school has been catering to the educational needs of over 42,000 students and contributing to the nation’s capacity-building. 

Bangalore National public school constantly growing network of educational institutions includes Pre-schools under the brand name of Bangalore National public school, Primary and Secondary Schools under the brand name of Bangalore National public school (Primary and Secondary School).

The journey of Bangalore National public school began in 2017, under the Deol educational and welfare society(R) visionary leadership of Mr swaransingh deol (Founder President of School); with an ideal mix of academic and corporate professionals who felt the shared need to provide holistic education. We generate interest about sustainable development in schools in an effort to educate and engage students with the School and to encourage them to prioritize the goals in their lifestyles, behaviors, education and professional careers as these goals provide framework for a better world that children could live in the future.

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